SWAA Winter Training


SWA101: Certificate of Need for County Government & Landfills (Heidi’s Presentation & Drew’s Presentation) – Heidi Ringhofer, MPCA & Drew Hatzenbihler, Morrison County

Historic Preservation & the Deconstruction Movement: Looking to the Past for a More Sustainable Future – Emily Noyes, Rethos

Lithium Ion Battery Safety Products & Battery ERP Law – Jennifer Volkman, MPCA

Ramsey/Washington Food Scraps Pickup Program – Annalee Garletz, Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy & Gabe Reynolds, Ramsey County

MPCA Materials & Solid Waste Management Grants – Jeannie Given, MPCA

Ponderosa Landfill: Rustling Up Change – Mark Manderfeld & Jason Steffen, Blue Earth County

Utilizing Compost – John Exner, Dakota County



Strategies for Surplus Goods – Emily Barker, Executive Director, ReUse Minnesota

Source Reduction and Reuse Survey Summary – Colleen Hetzel, Waste Reduction Policy Specialist & Annika Bergen, Reuse Specialist, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Small Town, Big City Services: Customizing Recycling for Rural Minnesota – Cory Suonvieri, Deputy Clerk, City of Floodwood & Dawn Lamping, Executive Director, Floodwood Services and Training, Inc.

SWA 101 (SCORE Report) 

Reclaiming Gold: A Business Case for Fair Chance Employment – Dara Strickland, HR Generalist, Repowered

Tribal and Local Government Collaboration in Solid Waste – Amy Moore, Environmental Coordinator, White Earth Reservation & Sandy Gunderson, Regional Household Hazardous Waste Coordinator/Recycling Coordinator/Waste Educator, Becker County

Leading in Organics Recycling: The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux (SMSC) Organics Program – Megan Dobratz, Owner/Founder, LEED AP, Native Sustainability & Erin Skelly, Environment and Compliance Technician, SMSC Organics Recycling Facility & Dustin Montey, Assistant Manager, SMSC Organics Recycling Facility

Legislative Update – Brian Martinson, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Analyst, Association of Minnesota Counties

Improving Nutrition Access to the Food Insecure through Food Rescue – Greg Pavett, Executive Director, The Humanity Alliance



Betterbin App Presentation

Hennepin County Anaerobic Digestion Project

Mitigation of Constituents of Concern in St. Louis County Landfill Leacchate

Olmsted County SCORE Reporting Process

PFAS Advisory Group Update

PFAS Legislative Updates from AMC

Reintroduction to Leachate Recirculation

SCORE Reporting – MPCA

The State of Solid Waste in MN – MPCA Commissioner Kessler Presentation



Bonds & Insurance 101 – Megan Corradi & Margaret Corradi | Stein Insurance Agency

The Evolving Insurance Market  – John Frank & David Lewis | Mahoney Group

Dakota County’s Internal Sustainable Purchasing Efforts – Renee Burman | Dakota County

“Out of the Box” Waste Prevention Ideas and Practical Plan for Creation and Outreach – Brian Olson | Beltrami County

Reuse Centers 101 – Panel Discussion

     Tim Lundell | WLSSD

     Sandy Gunderson and Steve Skoog | Becker County

     Josh Holte | Hubbard County

Capital Assistance Program (CAP) 

     Overview – Jeannie Given | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency         

     CAP Funding and the Legislature – Brian Martinson | Association of Minnesota Counties

     CAP Planning and Implementing – Steve Vrchota and Nathan Reinbold | Pope/Douglas Solid Waste Management (PDSWM) – full video here! 

Innovations and Success Stories

     Cedar Walters | Otter Tail County

     Christine McCarthy | Lake County

Compost Plant Management – Joseph Aschl, Dipl.-Ing. | Aschl Management Systems

Olmsted County’s System – Erick Brower & Tony Hill | Olmsted County

2020 SWAA Winter Training – presentations/handouts 

Solid Waste 101: Designation, Chris McConn – Solid Waste Director, Otter Tail County

Solid Waste 101: Certificate of Need, Sig Scheurle – Planning Director, MPCA

Solid Waste 101: Solid Waste Management Tax, Mark Rust – Supervisor, Sustainable Materials Management Unit, MPCA

                 SWMT Handout

Solid Waste 101: Market Price, John Helmers – Former Director, Olmsted County Environmental Resources Department

Vape Device and Battery Management: Jennifer Volkman – Household Hazardous Waste Program Coordinator, MPCA

Solar Panel Disposal and Recycling: Rick Tisdale – Senior Engineer, Cedar Creek Energy

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Updates – February 2020

                 Chronic Wasting Disease Handout

Laboratory Analyses & Chemicals of Concern: Isaac Schmidt and Daniel George – Account Executives, Pace Analytical Services

                The Don’ts / No’s of PFAS Sampling Handout

Background Concentrations of Geologic Contaminants in Minnesota Groundwater: Jared Trost – Hydrologist / Mindy Erickson, Ph.D. – Research Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Science Center (Handout only: presentation is not available.) 

Recycling Contracts – Best Practices: Robert Craggs, P.E. – Department Manager, Solid Waste and Resource Recovery, Burns & McDonnel