The Solid Waste Administrator Association recognizes outstanding leadership in the field of solid waste. Nominations are submitted in January and presented in February at the SWAA Winter Training. Nominees must be members of SWAA who have demonstrated outstanding leadership through advancement of innovative ideas, mentorship, and/or other noteworthy impacts they’ve had on the industry.
This award is named in honor of Mike Hanan, a long time professional in the field of solid waste in Minnesota. Mike was the Otter Tail County Director of Solid Waste for over 30 years where he was recognized state-wide as a leader in his profession and would always freely share his knowledge to help others. His kindness and service inspired others in the industry and offered an outstanding example of what a leader should be.
Award Recipients
2023 – Roger Schroeder, Lyon County
2022 – Zach Fjestad, Otter Tail County
2020 – Anne Morse, Winona County
2019 – Jon Steiner, Polk County
2018 – Doug Morris, Crow Wing County
2017 – Lisa Thibodeau, Chisago County

Roger Schroeder
Lyon County Environmental Administrator
Briefly describe how this individual showed advancement of innovative ideas and/or a positive impact in the waste industry.
Roger is not only involved firsthand with his local waste industry, but he also promotes ideas such as thinking outside of the box when it comes to reducing waste. He has been a very good facilitator/leader for the Landfill Coalition’s third party PFAS study. He is also an engaged participant in the MPCA’s demolition landfill rulemaking as a member of the rule advisory panel (RAP group). Roger is good at calming the storm on these types of contentious issues. He also has a full plate taking care of other solid waste duties for the landfill operation, HHW and material diversion programs, and County and SW commission duties. Roger also has other duties to the parks system in Lyon County. He promotes educational opportunities for his staff and encourages all of his staff to be the best that they can be. He is always willing to listen to new ideas from his staff which has included recent educational pieces for our community for composting at home, FixIt Clinics, and a tool lending library which will be the first in our area.
What three words best describe this individual?
Forward-thinking. Facilitator. Engaged
What has this individual done to support SWAA’s agenda in the industry?
Roger has maintained that all persons, regardless of whether they are a business or a resident, should have responsibility for our environment through programs that have been made available to all persons living within our communities. He has stepped forward to invite all solid waste administrators, and local as well as state personnel to the table whenever there are contentious situations and provide guidance to all persons involved in a calm and forward-thinking manner. Roger is a humble man who is very deserving of this award for his continued efforts and for lending his voice of reason to so many areas of the solid waste arena.

Zach Fjestad
Otter Tail County Assistant Solid Waste Director
Briefly describe how this individual showed advancement of innovative ideas and/or a positive impact in the waste industry.
My personal experience working with Zach related to our mutual commitment to develop and effective and efficient ag plastics recycling system in the State of Minnesota. He was not willing to give up the effort, despite continuing challenges. His work with other counties extended to literally all areas of solid waste management.
What three words best describe this individual?
Visionary, dogged, smart
What has this individual done to support SWAA’s agenda in the industry?
Zach was always willing to step forward to advance the counties’ agenda, including serving as President of SWAA. Zach recently announced that he will be leaving his position, so now is the time to recognize his myriad accomplishments that advanced the interests of not just his county, but the whole state.

Anne Morse
Winona County Solid Waste Administrator/Recycling Coordinator (Retired)
Briefly describe how this individual showed advancement of innovative ideas and/or a positive impact in the waste industry.
Anne worked tirelessly over 33 years to find innovative companies to take plastic waste and plastic film. She started the county-wide collection program and represented SE MN on committees and boards in order to keep the needs for residents of Greater MN represented in the industry.
What three words best describe this individual?
Energic, innovative, & visionary
What has this individual done to support SWAA’s agenda in the industry?
Her ability to get disparate service groups, organization and private industry to work with government for the greater good of solid waste administration in Winona County is unique. But more than that, if it could help the program, Anne would reach across state lines, work with other counties and testify with the legislature. Anne helped to get a now successful Habitat for Humanity ReStore off the ground to reduce the amount of move-out curbside furniture each spring from the 3 colleges and to provide a spot for building materials for remodelers and homeowners. She has worked to reduce damaging invasive species in the area, as a fun additional fact. Anne Morse is well-known as a solid waste administrator. I can think of no one betters suited to receive this award upon her retirement.
Briefly describe how this individual showed advancement of innovative ideas and/or a positive impact in the waste industry.
Jon has been a fixture on the county solid waste scene for many years and has been involved in many innovative projects that have had positive far reaching implications for Minnesota counties in terms of waste management. Most recently he was instrumental in getting an expansion and upgrade to the Polk County Materials Recovery Facility in Fosston, the first facility in MN to use the same equipment to sort recycling and MSW. Jon continues to advocate for the county’s behalf through the MPCA’s C&D rulemaking advisory panel.
What three words best describe this individual?
Knowledgeable, resolute, & ethical.
What has this individual done to support SWAA’s agenda in the industry?
Jon has represented the maverick northwestern Minnesota District-III on the SWAA Executive Board for many years, only recently retiring off the board last year. On the Board, he was always willing to weigh in on important discussions on solid waste policy and operations, fill-in with his years of experience and knowledge, and was and is always a strong advocate for common-sense approaches what work for the counties.

Briefly describe how this individual showed advancement of innovative ideas and/or a positive impact in the waste industry:
Doug Morris has been a key fixture on the Minnesota solid waste scene for years. Doug has done it all including managing MSW & Demo Landfills and dealing with the issues and permitting they entail. Most recently he has been involved with efforts to work through C&D permitting issues with the State trying to work towards a reasonable resolution. He runs the successful Crow Wing Household Hazardous Waste operation, including setting up an innovative self-serve residential used-oil drop off system around the county. He manages a recycling system that works in a rural county whose population expands with summer lake folks. Doug will freely share is expertise when a colleague calls or emails with questions or concerns, or with the Solid Waste Administrators Association when challenging issues crop up at the State level.
What three words best describe this individual?
Willing, Factual, Out spoken
What has this individual done to support SWAA/s agenda in the industry?
For years Doug was the SWAA Executive Board Secretary, helping to keep the association organized and on top of current SW issues. Doug is always willing to get involved and is there to help when a new solid waste or recycling issue crops up. He stays on top of the issues and always brings forward the solid waste issues that his peers are concerned about. He has been a strong advocate of HHW program funding and regulations since the inception of the program.

Briefly describe how this individual showed advancement of innovative ideas and/or a positive impact in the waste industry:
Through her work with the Minnesota Product Stewardship Council, Lisa has continually pushed for producer responsibility for the end of life of product wastes. Although Product Stewardship is sometimes controversial, it is her view that local government cannot continue to absorb all the costs of a continually expanding and complicated waste stream, and waste must be pushed upstream otherwise the system will not change for the better.
What three words best describe this individual?
1) Dedicated
2) Knowledgeable
3) Thoughtful
What has this individual done to support SWAA’s agenda in the industry?
Lisa has supported SWAA through her work as Executive Board Secretary. She has always tried to be fair and efficient, and to bring current and timely solid waste issues to the Executive Board for work towards agreeable resolutions for the counties.