Funding Opportunities

PFAS source identification and reduction grant program

$2 million are available to help find and reduce PFAS pollution

This opportunity provides funding for activities related to planning, development and implementation of PFAS source identification and reduction plans, product substitutions and system improvements in Minnesota.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling, “first come, first serve” basis until all dedicated funds have been dispersed or April 2, 2025, (4 p.m. Central Time), whichever occurs first.

Projects must be completed by December 18, 2026, to be eligible for reimbursement.


Eligible applicants

  • Eligible applicants include municipalities, private and public solid waste management facilities, industrial facilities contributing PFAS to a municipal wastewater treatment systems or the environment, and/or industrial stormwater facilities contributing PFAS to a municipal wastewater treatment systems or the environment.
  • Applicants must also have voluntarily participated in or have been sampled by an MPCA contractor as part of the MPCA PFAS Monitoring Plan. This includes; Municipal Wastewater PFAS Monitoring MOU participants, industrial facilities that participated in or were sampled as part of an MPCA PFAS Monitoring Plan, and solid waste management facilities that were part of or associated with an MPCA PFAS Monitoring Plan.

Eligible projects

  • Eligible projects must be located in or benefit an underserved community or an area that has been identified as a location of environmental justice* concern.
  • Projects must clearly define objectives and tasks that describe how the objectives will be met, a timeframe and a detailed budget to the MPCA for evaluation.
  • Projects must meet one of the following:
    • Preparation and execution of PFAS Pollutant Management Plans.
    • Source identification work, including waste stream sampling, to identify sources of PFAS entering wastewater treatment systems or solid waste management facilities.
    • Identification of PFAS containing products and the implementation/use of products which are PFAS-free.
    • Identification of process equipment that may need to be replaced in the future due to historic PFAS use and/or PFAS contamination.
    • Industrial Stormwater related projects that include source identification and reduction of PFAS at auto shredders, metal finishers, and/or airports.

Complete details and contact information are available on the MPCA’s PFAS source identification and reduction grant program webpage.

Additional grant opportunities related to PFAS will be announced this summer and shared with this GovDelivery list.

PFAS source identification grant program